(Wall After School Program)
WASP is an enrichment and academic support program that provides a wide variety of age appropriate activities intended to meet the many needs of the children enrolled in the program. This program is designed for children between the ages of 5 and 5th grade (current year) who will benefit from enrichment activities in groups with a 15 to 1 ratio.
WASP is located in the Wall School, room 110. The program will follow the Wall School District school calendar with beginning and ending days as well as weather and holiday closings.
* One snack will be offered after school and two on Fridays, as well as lunch on Friday.
How To Register:
Children will be enrolled by properly completing the registration form and submitting appropriate payment with that month's calendar. The program has a limited number of spaces available that fill on a first come first serve basis.
Calendars and payments are due the last day of the month for the following months services.
We believe that making choices is an important part of WASP. Each child will have the right to choose among activities throughout the day. The right to choose is one way of developing independence and decision making skills.